Evolution And The BBC V’s My Music

Evolution And The BBC V’s My Music:

From My Song ‘God‘ 

“The ruler of the universe, doesn’t sit alone,
Asking what he should do next.
He made all that there is you know,
And could keep us safe for ever more.”

How many people on earth outside the U.K. would know that it is illegal to preach God and creation in Britain?

If the BBC get their way it will be illegal all over the world.

Scientists hate God. If you do not believe what I say here, you try it. Hissing and spitting and foaming at their (poofter) mouths is what you will get if you just push a little.

About Gdicm

Gordon Davidson, I Care Music. (Gdicm) At present I am disabled. I have met Christ, and Saint Peter, and others and have been given a job to do by them. Party political democracy will never be a success for decent people anywhere. It empowers criminals, whose votes politicians need, and gives those criminals powers they should never have. It has brought transgressors to the forefront of every society. It could do nothing else if their votes are needed. Law and order is Bible preached self discipline, which no longer exists in the average person. For example: Would Gays or Lesbians be legal if politicians did not require their votes? No. Would it harm them to not be Gay? No. Only a single compulsory Christian Church can bring about fair equality. Let me build a proper religion, starting around Elgin Cathedral, Morayshire Scotland. Let democracy be done by the Church using God's laws as the guide. Gdicm music is on various streaming services.
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